Today Firefox 19 Released... And Here is my Bug in it.

Today: Mozilla Firefox has released 19 bugs.

Here is the link for download the new Link

Built-in PDF viewer is the new feature.

Today I have explored this new feature.
I have found a Bug with respect to Zoom Out Feature in Built-in PDF Viewer.
This pdf file is opened in New "Built-In PDF Viewer".
As This is a new feature,I wanted to check how it is than the previous version
Actual results:
I wanted to test Zoom In and Zoom Out Feature.
I observed when i Zoom In: We have the following percentages of zoom in values:

But When i Zoom Out: We have the following percentages of zoom out values:
Expected results:
Here Both Zoom In and Zoom out values should be same.
And that makes user friendly.

This Bug has been Logged in Firefox BugZilla and is in process of fixing.
Quote of the day:
There’s no shortage of talent, only a shortage of companies that talent wants to work for."

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